Is the train ticket included?
No, train tickets and any other services or products not specifically mentioned are not included.
I will be driving. Where can I park, and what time should I expect to find you there?
We have never used a car to reach these trails. We recommend parking near the train station. Unfortunately, we do not have any information regarding parking lot capacity, fees, or any other details.
As for the timing, the meetup description mentions the train departure time. You can check the arrival time using the TrainTime App. You can download the iOS version here or the Android version here, or you can also check it on their website.
Train Station: Hike Name
- Appalachain Trail: Cats Rock.
- Beacon: Beacon Firetower.
- Beacon Falls: Toby’s Rock.
- Cold Spring: Bull Hill, Breakneck Ridge.
- Garrison: Sugarloaf.
- Manitou: Anthony’s Nose, Popolopen Torne.
- Millburn: Fairy Trail.
- Peekskill: Blue Mountain Reservation.
- Poughkeepsie: Walkway Over the Hudson, Mid-Hudson & Franny Reese Park.
- Tarrytown: Rockefeller State Park, Governor Cuomo Bridge.
Which path are we going to take?
We track all our trails using AllTrails. You can download the iOS version here or the Android version here. To view the trails, you must have an AllTrails account.
This are the paths we will follow.
- Anthony’s Nose.
- Beacon Firetower.
- Blue Mountain Reservation.
- Bull Hill.
- Cats Rock.
- Fairy Trail.
- From Beacon to Cold Spring.
- Popolopen Torne.
- Rockefeller State Park, and Governor Cuomo Bridge.
- Sugarloaf.
- Toby’s Rock.
- Walkway Over the Hudson, Mid-Hudson & Franny Reese Park.
I’ve never have hike, what do I need to wear or take with me?
We recommend wearing hiking shoes, sunglasses, and a hat. Additionally, please bring repellent, water, and snacks, as the group will have lunch at the trail’s summit. Don’t forget to check the weather forecast to ensure you wear appropriate clothing.
I am a beginner, is this an easy hike?
In the event description, all levels of difficulty are mentioned. Please keep in mind that the perceived level of difficulty varies from person to person; therefore, if you’re a beginner, it may seem more challenging to you than to others.
Can I buy the train tickets at the train station? Where Can I buy the train tickets?
- TrainTime App: This is the official app for buying tickets. You can download the iOS version here or the Android version here
- Grand Central: Ticket offices and automatic machines are available at Grand Central. If you choose this option, please arrive at Grand Central early to allow enough time for your purchase.
- Onboard the Train: While it’s possible to buy tickets on the train, I’m not certain whether they accept credit cards and/or cash. However, it’s worth noting that purchasing tickets onboard is typically more expensive.
The train ticket doesn’t tell the time, how do they know which train I would ride?
The ticket doesn’t need to display the train time because:
- If you purchase the ticket through the TrainTime App, you will need to activate it when boarding the train.
- If you buy the ticket at the ticket office, you will need to present it to the ticket checker on the train.